I had a great time modeling for a feature on The Every Girl! One of my favorite online sites, The Every Girl is meant for, well, every girl :) When we shot outside it was pouring rain and so cold, but we still had the best time. Any time I get to be creative, I feel like the luckiest person in the world, and this was definitely the case on this shoot. Check out some of the final shots and some behind the scenes instagrams!
Full list of credits: Photography: Kate Ignatowski http://kateignatowski.com Instagram: @kateignatowski Styling: Mandy Forlenza Sticos http://mandyforlenza.com Instagram: @littlevintagerentals Hair: Andy Tseng http://hairbyandy.carbonmade.com/ Instagram: @theandycane Make up: Anny Chow + Jha Villanueva http://annychow.4ormat.com/ Instagram: @annychow http://jhavillanueva.com/ Instagram @xo_jha Venue: Top of the Garden http://www.totg.biz/ Instagram: @totgeventspace Cinematography: Mae B. Films http://www.maebfilms.com/ Instagram: @maebfilms Dresses: Little Borrowed Dress http://www.littleborroweddress.com/ Instagram: @littleborroweddress Hair Accessories + Belt: Hushed Commotion http://hushedcommotion.com/ Instagram: @hushedcommotion Jewelry: Nina Shoes http://ninashoes.com/ Instagram: @ninashoes Balloons: Brooklyn Balloon Company http://brooklynballooncompany.com/ Instagram: @brooklynballooncompany Paper Flowers: Balushka http://www.balushka.com/ Comments are closed.